the deathstar protocol


The DEATH STAR is the most powerful protocol of all, and it acts as a safety net for all DOGEDI holders.

The DOGEDI AUTOBOOST (buyback function), also known as The DEATH STAR is funded by a 6% strategic buyback fee. Tokens collected from the fees are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the DOGEDI contract. These funds are known as the DOGEDI's Strategic Reserves.

These reserves therefore become independent of the price of DOGEDI. The contract is codified so that the BNB in the Strategic Reserves of DOGEDI are used for Autoboost and for the strategically planned marketing campaign

When the buyback function is turned on, the contract automatically buys back and burns tokens after every sell transaction.

Once the DOGEDI tokens are bought back, the new BNB amount is added to the liquidity pool and then strategically used for burn or marketing purposes.

This guarantees the price per token will increase every time the buyback is activated.

The DEATH STAR is strategically deployed at specific times to allow DOGEDI to keep a stable floor price during market downtrends, chart manipulation, marketing campaigns and whale dumps, ensuring the long-term success of the project .

Dogedi token

currently the deathstar has burned
